Monday, April 1, 2019

Benefits of Lemon

Benefits of Lemon

Lemon contain vitamin C,citric acid, calcium, magnesium,and pectin, Phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium,that help to strengthen the immune system and help to treat some diseases and prevention such as colds, flu, sore throat, colds, cough and gout.

what's the Benefits of Drinking Lemon?

Lemon help to lose weight:Lemon is very rich of pectin, which help to reduce appetite, Prevent the accumulation of fat and converted to energy, and help to reduce excess weight and fight obesity.also Lemon increases the acidity of the digestive system, that help to absorb calcium, and reduce to weight loss.

lemon Strengthen immunity:Lemon activate the immune system and strengthen immunity because lemon contain high concentration of vitamin C, which protect against colds and flu.Lemon also can protect lack of energy, blood pressure, insomnia, depressed ,and brain dispersion. Lemon helps to reduce all these problems and fight it permanently

improve your mood: lemon is the best food to Improve the mood  because it contain potassium and magnesium and reduce the incidence of depression and increases capacity and concentration and Gives energy and raises morale and fights depression.

Lemon Improve Digestive Systeme: Lemon help to treat  the gastrointestinal systeml and indigestion as it relieve the feeling of vomiting and nausea as it stimulates the work of enzymes in the intestine and helps to expel worms from the stomach and intestines, as it is anti-bacterial, and treats constipation.

Lemon  prevent hair loss: Lemon contain a lot of  substance active  that have a good effect on hair follicles and scalp, Lemon juice is used in many ways to improve the luster and shape of the hair,and Get rid of excessive fat in the scalp and clean it. and used the Treatment of dandruff and hair loss.

Reduce cholesterol in the blood: Lemon improve  the liver and renew the cellsthe body, and  rid the body of toxins and purify the blood , and everything that destroys the cells of the body and help to prevent tumor cells and reduce the symptoms of aging.

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