Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Benefits of the Strawberry

Strawberry is important for dental health. It contains vitamin C, which protects the gum from infection. It also helps to whiten teeth, eliminate yellowing of teeth,Learn about the benefits of  strawberry and Nutrition facts for your body is the Best fruit recommend for keep healthy,

The nutritional value of strawberries

·         Contain a little calories. 100 grams of fresh strawberries contain only 30 calories.
·         Contain a type of nutrients and vitamin C eight strawberries contain vitamin C more than one orange.
·         Rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and help prevent cancer.
·         Contain fructose sugar and dietary fiber, all these nutrients provide important functions in the body.
·         An excellent source of vitamin K, manganese, folic acid, potassium, riboflavin, vitamins of group B, copper, magnesium and omega-3.
·         Strawberry  help the body produce  white blood cell for the body  immune system and prevent diseases during pregnancy.
·         Is a good source of many other vitamins such as (B1),  (B2),  (B3),  (B6)
·         Rich a fiber and reduce blood clotting.
·         Contains a high amount of flavonoids help to protect the heart. Because also effective against arthritis.

Prevention of Diabetes
Strawberry contain a quantity of natural sugar help to balance the blood sugar, and prevent the incidence of diabetes,  is also an important fruit for diabetes, reduce  glucose , and reduce the rise in sugar and insulin in the blood. eating strawberry  daily is good for Regulate blood glucose levels.

strawberries good fruit  for treatment of cancer
Strawberry It works to reduce the proportion of oxidize substance in the body that cause cancer such as breast and uterine cancer, colon cancer and esophageal cancer also Strawberry Reduce the proliferation of cancer cell. Eat strawberriesIs able to prevent the development of these cancerous ulcers. strawberries Protect against skin cancer because strawberry contain a high amount of antioxidants that help fight the growth of cancerous cells.

strawberries good fruit for Anti-aging
Strawberry help clean the skin from dead cell and fungi, if you rub it on the skin directly. Clean the face of dirt and excess fat, because it contain vitamin C in abundance.It also remove pigment and freckles on the face,and Protect the face from harmful sun rays,and Limit the appearance of acne,and Limit bulging eyes,Reduce the appearance of signs of aging on the face,Limit facial dryness,

Benefits the strawberries for pregnant
Help fetal growth especially brain growth and protect pregnant women from heart problems and works to strengthen bones by containing calcium and protect the fetus from obesity and prevent dryness of the skin as most pregnant women are exposed to dry skin and during pregnancy because of lack of water but strawberries contain a large amount of water.

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Benefits of the Strawberry

Strawberry is important for dental health. It contains vitamin C, which protects the gum from infection. It also helps to whiten teeth,...